50 Fun Facts about me that might surprise you
1 - When I'm sick or worried, I learn vocabulary from a language I know nothing about. It's exciting because it's all new and it allows me to distract myself from whatever is going on.
2 - I love hammocks and bought one to use in my garden in the first year after I moved out .

3 - I want to have a library room some day, where at least 3 walls are covered in bookshelves.
4- I have read 52 books within one year. Actually I did that twice. My number one tip for reading more is audio books.
5 - I was a major Harry Potter fan when I was a child and started reading the books in first grade.
6 - I taught myself how to read the basics and according to my mom the first word I read was "Haribo" - from a grocery store ad.
7- I've been vegan for almost 6 years now.
8 - I love learning new things. Languages, programming concepts, math, drawing, social media, ...
9 - I used to kill all plants but now I have over 40 fairly happy houseplants.

10 - I have two Bachelor degrees. In mathematics and in computer science. Yes, that also means I wrote two Bachelor theses.
11 - My first program I ever wrote was a click bot that would advertise my Tumblr blog to more followers.
12 - I wear glasses since I'm 13 and I'm still getting used to it.
13 - My first programming language was Java in my first semester of university. I know barely anything of it anymore because I never use it.
14 - My most used programming language is Python. I think it's also my favorite.
15 - I ran a half-marathon in 2014. After that I stopped running as much but I'm slowly getting back into it. Gotta get to that marathon somehow, right?
16 - I am definitely a cat person. My family had cats as long as I can remember.
17 - I love wearing grey and black and white. At most one color at any time, everything else is somehow overwhelming to me.
18 - My books are sorted by color to create a super awesome rainbow.

19 - One of my favorite books are The Night Circus and The Starless Sea, both by Erin Morgenstern.
20 - My favorite flowers are lilies.
21 - I am an only child. Well, if you don't count the cats that my parents adopt.
22 - I don't like olives.
23 - I learned Latin for 7 years in school and actually liked it.
24 - I am learning to love gardening since I have my own place. I used to hate the outdoors and the dirt, but having full reign over my own garden is really freeing and I love seeing things grow - except when those things are weeds, ugh.
25 - I am a big Taylor Swift fan and my favorite song by Taylor is "All Too Well"
26 - Programming languages I have some knowledge of: Java, Javascript, Python, Typescript, C, C++, Matlab. Is SQL a language?
27 - I used to be in a swimming club for 5 years.
28 - I am really scared of wasps. I am not allergic though.
29 - I love drinking iced coffee. Even in winter.

30 - I am a night owl. Getting up before 10am is really hard.
31 - My hair has been died purple, green and blond, but my natural hair color is dark blond.
32 - When I was a child, I didn't eat anything except for Fruchtzwerge (small fruity yoghurts) for weeks. My mum was quite worried.
33 - My skin doesn't really tan - it just gets sunburned. So I have largely given up on sunbathing.
34 - I had two guinea pigs when I was younger.
35 - I used to hate Apple because I thought they were overpriced, but this year I bought an iPad for digital note-taking and ADORE IT. Still overpriced though. Why does that pencil alone cost over 100$?
36 - I use a US keyboard layout even though I don't live in the US, because it has the best access to programming keys like [, ], and \, ;.
37 - I have painted over 20 acrylic paintings in the past few years.

38 - My favorite video games are The Sims, Stardew Valley and Factorio.
39 - I used to play League of Legends for years and mainly played Enchanter supports like Nami, Karma and Sona.
40 - I played my first Pokémon game at 16, it was Pokémon Diamond. I DID collect the Pokémon stickers in a sticker album when I was in first grade though, so I was familiar with the first generation.
41 - I have completed NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) once. It's a challenge where you try to write 50,000 words of a novel in one month - specifically in November.
42 - Related to that, I wanted to be an author as a child. I have since realized that I enjoy reading books more than writing them.
43 - My go-to comfort TV show is re-watching Vampire Diaries.
44 - I took guitar lessons for a few years as a teenager.
45 - I was also a gymnast as a kid for a short while. I also did ballet. I have since discovered that I enjoy endurance sports like running and swimming way more, but it was an interesting experience.
46 - I love beach vacations and city trips. I have never tried, but I'm very certain I would not enjoy camping.
47 - My favorite math module in university was Group Theory.
48 - My favorite Computer Science module was NAND to Tetris. We followed this website curriculum and basically you program a complete computer, starting with NAND gates building up to a CPU and ending with the basics of an operating system.
49 - I wear socks pretty much all the time, even when I go to bed. I also have cold feet all the time, so really I'm just trying to keep my feet from freezing off.
50 - I put garlic and chili in most dishes. I also eat jalapenos on (vegan) cheese slices for breakfast.